Goldfixing Fonderia e laboratorio analisi preziosi

Le miniere d’oro

The 10 biggest gold mines in the world are:Gold fixing srl estrazione_oro

  1. Grasberg mine: it is located in Indonesia with a production of 44.912 tons in 2011; it is considered the biggest gold mine in the world and the third for the extraction of copper. In 2006 with the support of 20.000 workers there was a production of 58.474.392 gr of gold, 174.458.971 gr of silver and 610.800 tons of copper.
  2. Cortez,USA: this mine is located in Nevada and it has operated since 1862, namely since the American civil war. It is the biggest mine of the Barrick Gold Corporation (the biggest company of gold mines in the world, headquartered in Toronto, Canada).
  3. Yanacocha, Peru: it is the second biggest mine after Grasberg Mine; following the peak of 2005 the production has decreased less than one half due to a roadblock that has impeded normal extraction.
  4. Goldstrike, USA: also this mine is located in Nevada and is run by the Barrick Gold Corporation, consisting of 3 different mines: Betze Post that is an open-air mine and Meikle and Rodeo, that are underground mines.
  5. Veladero, Argentina: it is part of the Barrick Gold Corporation, it appears as a traditional open-cut operation, but unfortunately its current conditions are not good and the production is limited due to its energetic system of wind turbines.
  6. Vaal River, South Africa: it was born in 2004 from the fusion of Anglogold Ashanti and Ashanti Goldfield Corporation and it boasts a production of 5 million ounces in the last few years.
  7. The Super Pit, Australia: it is administered by the Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines, it produces 850.000 ounces of gold every year.
  8. West Wits, South Africa: also known as Western Deep, it is run by Vaal River and Anglogold Ashanti; it is the deepest mine in the world, in 2011 it registered 24 tons of gold extraction.
  9. Lagunas Norte, Peru: it is located at 4000 meters above sea level and it produced 763.000 tons of gold in 2011 with a forecast of increase in 2016.
  10. Boddington Mine, Australia: in 2011 it extracted 23 tons of gold, despite its young age, because the most recent mine in Australia is dated 2009.

The total frame of production does not include only mines, but above all the main gold extractor countries. According to the statistics of 2012, at the top we have China with 370 tons; its production has tripled from 1980 to 1991; in second place we find Australia with 250 tons; in third place we find the USA with 230 tons, in fourth place we find Russia with 205 tons and then we have South Africa with 170 tons, Peru 175 tons, Canada 102 tons, Indonesia 95 tons, Uzbekistan 90 tons and then Ghana with 89 tons.



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